A searchable multi-lingual database of evangelical Bible colleges - and pastoral, theological and missionary training programmes, courses and resources world-wide - to help you find the training you need to serve the Lord.

Directory of Organisations

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Training Provider
(click below for details of courses)
Location Country Courses Registered Website
Asia Evangelical College & Seminary Bangalore India 2 www.saintpaulschool.in/
Asia Gateway Training Kuala Lumpur Malaysia 4 www.asiagatewaytraining.net
Asia Graduate School of Theology Philippines Quezon City Philippines 0 www.agstphil.org
Asia Pacific Theological Seminary Baguio Philippines 0 www.apts.edu
Asia Theological Center Singapore Singapore 16 www.atc.org.sg
Asia-Pacific Nazarene Theological Seminary Taytay, Rizal Philippines 1 www.apnts.edu.ph
Asian Christian Academy Tamil Nadu India 1 www.acaindia.org
Asian Cross-Cultural Training Institute (ACTI) Singapore Singapore 1 www.acti-singapore.org
Asian Theological Seminary Quezon City Philippines 19 www.ats.ph
Assemblies of God (MDC) Kerala India 0 www.ataasia.com/bethel-bible-college.html
Australian College of Christian Studies Burwood Australia 45 www.ccs.edu.au
AWM gGmbH Korntal-Muenchingen Germany 0 www.awm-korntal.eu
Bakke Graduate University Dallas TX United States 5 www.bgu.edu
Bangkok Bible Seminary Bangkok Thailand 0 www.bbsthai.org
Baptist Bible College Springfield, MO United States 5 www.gobbc.edu/
Baptist College of Theology Obinze, Imo State Nigeria 1 www.bctobinze.com
Baptist Theological College of Southern Africa Gauteng South Africa 2 www.btc.co.za
Baptist Theological Faculty, Bucharest University, Romania Bucharest Romania 2 www.unibuc.ro/studii/facultati/facultatea-de-teologie-baptista/
Baptist Theological Seminary of Malawi (BTSM) Central Region Malawi 0 btsm.luviri.net
Baptist Theological Seminary of Zambia Lusaka Zambia 0 www.bmoz.org/site.php?id=btsz