RHEMA Bible Training Center

Programme Detail: Basic Training

Language of this entry English (UK, International)
Name of Programme / Training Resource Basic Training
Type of Training Programme with multiple subsidiary courses
Reference Number 01
Description ENGLISH: The purpose of Basic Training is to build a solid foundation of the basic Christian doctrine. Each student receives a good understanding of “what he believes??? and “why he believes it???. 
What you learn during this time should impact your life and alter your life style in a biblical way.
 Since it is not possible for every believer to go to Bible school during the day, we offer weekend courses at various locations. The modular system which consists of 26 teaching units (modules), with one or two courses in each module, allows the student to visit weekend courses in a flexible manner. Depending on the location class hours and subjects will vary. The student has 30 months to complete the 26 modules of the Basic Training. To receive a certificate of completion for the Basic Training, requirements include: attending all class hours, successful completion of the written assignments or tests of a module, reading material, as well as the completion of a practicum. With the certificate of completion for the Basic Training a student can move to the second level, the Advanced Training.// ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DEUTSCH: Im Basic Training wird ein solides Fundament über die Grundlehren des christlichen Glaubens aufgebaut. Jeder Student soll ein umfassendes Verständnis darüber bekommen, was er glaubt und warum er es glaubt. Das Gelernte soll Auswirkungen auf das ganze Leben jedes Studenten haben und den Lebensstil gemäß biblischer Maßstäbe verändern. Weil viele Christen nicht die Möglichkeit haben, tagsüber eine Bibelschule zu besuchen, wird dieses Training an Wochenenden an verschiedenen Orten angeboten. 
Der modulare Aufbau des Trainings aus 26 verschiedenen Lerneinheiten (Modulen) mit je ein bis zwei Fächern erlaubt es dem Studenten, das Basic Training in Form von Wochenendkursen in flexibler Reihenfolge zu besuchen.
 Je nach Standort variieren die Unterrichtszeiten der verschiedenen Fächer. Die Studenten haben insgesamt 30 Monate Zeit, um die 26 Module des Basic Trainings abzuschließen. Der Erwerb eines Zertifikats setzt regelmäßige Teilnahme am Unterricht, das erfolgreiche Abschließen aller Module mit schriftlichen Ausarbeitungen, bestandene Tests, erarbeitete Pflichtlektüre und Absolvierung des Praktikums voraus. Mit dem Zertifikat des Basic Trainings kann ein Student in die zweite Ausbildungsstufe, das Advanced Training, eintreten.
Keywords Basic Bible Training 1st year school
Languages Programme Available in English (UK, International); German
Other Languages
Country and region where programme is available International (e.g. distance learning) / All international; United Kingdom / Countrywide; Albania / Countrywide; Austria / Countrywide; Switzerland / Countrywide; Germany / Countrywide; France / Countrywide; Greece / Countrywide; Italy / Countrywide; Netherlands / Countrywide; Norway / Countrywide; Portugal / Countrywide; Ukraine / Countrywide
Area of Ministry and Focus Personal Life and Holiness / Personal and Family Holiness
Residential/Non Residential Mixed
Full-time or Part-time Part-time
Level Certificate
Cost Range US$100,000 or more
Actual Cost 3120 EUR
Bursaries/scholarships available No
Actual Length 30 months
Average hours of study per week 0
Methods of instruction required reading, mentoring, practicum, prayer school, exams
Percentage of time spent in formal learning (e.g. lectures, structured reading, work-books, etc.) 50%
Percentage of time spent on non-formal skill-based learning (e.g. learning on the job and supervised practice, etc.) 25%
Percentage of time spent in informal unstructured learning (e.g. prayer times, teamwork). 25%
Average number of students who take the programme per year (or, if this is a new programme, the number who can be accommodated) 160
Prerequisite Programmes
Other Prerequisites
Qualifications gained RBTC Basic Training Certificate
Qualifications this programme is part of
Programme Accredited by
Other Accrediting Bodies