A searchable multi-lingual database of evangelical Bible colleges - and pastoral, theological and missionary training programmes, courses and resources world-wide - to help you find the training you need to serve the Lord.

Directory of Organisations

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Training Provider
(click below for details of courses)
Location Country Courses Registered Website
Sydney Missionary and Bible College Croydon, NSW Australia 16 www.smbc.edu.au
Tabor College Adelaide Millswood Australia 10 www.taboradelaide.edu.au
Tabor College Inc (WA) Perth Australia 10 https://tabor.edu.au/
TAFTEE Bangalore 560077 India 5 www.taftee.in
Talua Ministry Training Centre Luganville Vanuatu 0 www.talua.org
Tavriski Christian Institute Kherson/Antonovka Ukraine 1 missions.org.ua
TCA College Singapore Singapore 9 www.tca.edu.sg
TCMI Institute, Austria Heiligenkreuz N.O. Austria 1 www.tcmi.edu
TeachBeyond Nottinghamshire United Kingdom 1 www.teachbeyond.org
TEE Korea Dongjak-gu, Seoul, Korea (South) 5 www.teekorea.org
TEEAC Phnom Penh Cambodia 4 www.cambodiasuperpages.com/sp/search/dt/teeac-theological-education-by-extension-association-of-cambodia
Teleo University Minneapolis, Minnesota United States 1 https://www.teleouniversity.org
Tent Ltd Bergen Norway 1 www.tent.no
Thần H???c Phúc Âm -— Theological Evangelical Education Nha Trang Vietnam 4
The DCI Trust, England Nottingham International (e.g. distance learning) 1 www.worldchristians.org
The Evangelical College of Theology Western Area Sierra Leone 0 www.tectsl.org
The evangelical theological house of studies Pietermaritzburg South Africa 1
The Guild Glendale, CA United States 2 www.guildnetwork.org
The Home of Translators Karachi,` Pakistan 2
The Lilias Trotter Center Houghton NY United States 0 www.liliastrottercenter.org