A searchable multi-lingual database of evangelical Bible colleges - and pastoral, theological and missionary training programmes, courses and resources world-wide - to help you find the training you need to serve the Lord.

Directory of Organisations

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Training Provider
(click below for details of courses)
Location Country Courses Registered Website
Wyższe Baptystyczne Seminarium Teologiczne (WBST) Warszawa Poland 1 www.wbst.edu.pl
Yavatmal College for Leadership Training Maharashtra India 5 www.ycltse.org
Yeshcol Bible College & Billage Theological Academy Tamil Nadu India 0 www.ybcweb.org
Youth With A Mission San Francisco United States 1 www.ywamsanfrancisco.org
Youth With A Mission Lusaka Zambia 1
Youth with a Mission (YWAM) Wiler Wiler bei Seedorf Switzerland 1 www.jmemwiler.ch
Youth With A Mission - Lebanon, PA Lebanon, PA United States 0 www.YWAMPA.org
Youth With A Mission - Mali Koutiala Mali 0 www.ywamafrica.org/archivedsite/West/Mali/Koutiala
Youth With A Mission - Taiwan Dan Shui, Taipei County International (e.g. distance learning) 0 www.ywamtaipei.com
Youth With A Mission - Thailand Chiang Mai, 50202 Thailand 0 www.ywamcmthai.org/sofm/index.htm
Youth With a Mission Jacksonville Jacksonville, FL United States 1 https://ywamjax.org/
Youth With a Mission Orlando Orlando, FL United States 0 www.ywamorlando.com
Youth With A Mission Sligo, Ireland Sligo Ireland 1 ywamsligo.weebly.com
YWAM private Afghanistan 1 www.ywam.org
YWAM - The Seamill Centre - Seamill, Scotland Seamill United Kingdom 0 www.ywamseamill.org
YWAM Cartagena Cartagena, Bolivar Colombia 4 www.jucumcartagena.com
YWAM Frontier Missions, Pokhara, Nepal Kaski, Pokhara Nepal 2 T.B.A
YWAM Jacksonville Jacksonville, Florida India 1 www.ywamjax.com
YWAM Laos Nong Khai Laos 0 millionelephants.com
YWAM Singapore -- Indonesia 0 www.uofnbali.org/UofNbali/Events/2B4BB206-7