A searchable multi-lingual database of evangelical Bible colleges - and pastoral, theological and missionary training programmes, courses and resources world-wide - to help you find the training you need to serve the Lord.

Directory of Organisations

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Training Provider
(click below for details of courses)
Location Country Courses Registered Website
The Message Seminary Lagos Nigeria 0 tms.net.ng
The Oxford Centre for Christian Apologetics (OCCA) Oxford United Kingdom 0 www.theocca.org
THE REHOBOTH MISSION BIBLE COLLEGE Coimbotore India 0 www.trmbiblecollege.com
The Robert E. Webber Institute for Worship Studies Orange Park, FL United States 2 www.iws.edu
The Salvation Army Booth College Bexley North Australia 0 boothcollege.edu.au
The Urban Ministry Institute Los Angeles, California United States 1 www.tumi-la.org
Theological College of Northern Nigeria Plateau State Nigeria 9 https://tcnn.edu.ng
Theological Education by Extension College Turffontein 2140 South Africa 5 www.tee.co.za
Theological Education by Extension College Johannesburg, Gauteng South Africa 5 www.tee.co.za
Theological Seminary of Armenia Yerevan Armenia 2 www.armbaplife.am/Seminary.html
Theologisch-Diakonisches Seminar Aarau Aarau Switzerland 3 www.tdsaarau.ch
Theologische Hochschule Elstal Wustermark Germany 0 www.th-elstal.de
Theologische Hochschule Ewersbach Dietzhölztal Germany 2 www.th-ewersbach.de
Theologisches Seminar Beröa Erzhausen Germany 0 www.beroea.de
Theologisches Seminar Bienenberg Liestal Switzerland 2 www.bienenberg.ch
Theologisches Seminar Rheinland (Rhineland School of Theology) Wölmersen/Rheinland-Pfalz Germany 8 www.tsr.de
Theologisches Seminar St. Chrischona (tsc) Bettingen Switzerland 5 www.tsc.education
Threshold Christian Network International Abuja, FCT Nigeria 2 www.tcninternational.org
Tilsley College N Lanarkshire United Kingdom 4 www.tilsleycollege.com
TMCC Santa Ana, CA 92705, United States 2