A searchable multi-lingual database of evangelical Bible colleges - and pastoral, theological and missionary training programmes, courses and resources world-wide - to help you find the training you need to serve the Lord.

Directory of Organisations

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Training Provider
(click below for details of courses)
Location Country Courses Registered Website
Today for Tomorrow Southern Africa Children's Ministry (T4TSA) Mutare Zimbabwe 1 t4tsa.sim.org/?page_id=139
Topic Brasil Petropolis Brazil 0 www.topicbrasil.org
TOPIC Southern Africa Norkem Park South Africa 10 www.topicsa.net
Train And Multiply (R) Kelowna BC Canada 10 www.TrainAndMultiply.com
TRAIN International Joplin United States 5 traininternational.org
Trinity College Bristol Bristol United Kingdom 14 www.trinity-bris.ac.uk
Trinity College of Florida Trinity, FL United States 9 www.trinitycollege.edu
Tung Ling Bible School Singapore Singapore 1 www.tungling.org.sg/contact-us/
Tyndale Theological Seminary Badhoevedorp Netherlands 2 www.tyndale-europe.edu
Uganda Bible Institute Mbarara, Mbarara Municipality Uganda 1 www.ugandabibleinstitute.org
Ukrainian Evangelical Theological Seminary Kyiv Ukraine 10 www.uets.net
Ukrainian Evangelical Theological Seminary / Украин??ка?? Евангель??ка?? Семинари?? Бого??лови?? Kiev / Киев Ukraine 1 www.uets.net
UMCA Theological College ,Ilorin ,Nigeria Kwara State Nigeria 0 www.umcatc.org
Union Bible Theological College Ulaanbaatar Mongolia 3 www.ubtc.edu.mn
Union Biblical Seminary Pune- (M. H. ) India 0 www.ubs.ac.in
Universidad FLET Miami, FL Colombia 3 www.flet.edu
Université Shalom de Bunia Kampala Congo (Democratic Republic) 7 www.unishabunia.org
University of the Nations (YWAM) - Herrnhut Herrnhut Germany 1 ywamherrnhut.com
Urbacad (Albany Urbacad) Gresham United States 1 www.urbacad.org
Urban Missionary Training Institute Hyderabad India 2